Monday, August 23, 2010

Space Marine Breakdown

This is a breakdown of the 5th Ed. Codex: Space Marines. This is influenced by my battles with Eldar and Elysian Drop Troops as these are the armies I play against the most. Any recommendations are welcomed.

Marneus Calgar
I don't have a huge amount of experience with him but a friend of mine uses him in almost every game so I am using his advice.
•The Armor of Antilochus, though it has the same name as the tenth company captain, is a must. One, because they don't sell power armor Calgar anymore and two, because this gives him the 2+ armor save, which is nice, but it also has a teleport homer which means you can put him and a squad in a Redeemer, run him towards the enemy, get out, assault because of the assault vehicle rule then bring in the terminators. And since he has Assault 2, Ap 2 bolters, he can cause even more casualties. If you got Calgar towards the rear of the enemy deployment zone, your terminators will have cover from the ongoing combat during the first turn where they can't assault.
•He has 4 wounds, 4 attacks, Eternal Warrior, and the ability to reroll wounds, which means he can dish out massive damage and take it, too.
•He is incredibly expensive qnd has a power sword for no reason that I can think of.
•His model is awesome, but he is an Ultramarine.
•He allows any unit with Combat Tactics to choose to pass or fail morale checks without taking extra wounds(This is my interpretation of the rules. If you think this rule works differently, please comment.)

Captain Sicarius
•I think he is much too expensive for what he does
•He is great for army support with all his special rules, but he can easily be killed by all sorts of high strength weapons. This occurs less if you put him in a command squad, but he can still be singled out in close combat.
•The ability to infiltrate a tactical squad is incredible.
•His Talassarian Tempest Blade is awesome against monstrous creatures and other hard to kill models if he manages to survive long enough to kill them.
•The Mantle of the Suzerain isn't very useful if you have a command squad(which you should if you have the points)
•I would only use him in high point games.

Chief Librarian Tigurius
•He is a pretty good psyker
•Other than that, he is almost worthless for his points cost. He only has two wounds, two attacks, WS 5, and BS 4.
•The Tigurius from the last edition was 165 points and had a much better profile and great special rules. Now he is 230 points and almost worthless.
•The ability to re-roll reserve rolls is great, especially if you have an all deep striking army or something similar.

Chaplain Cassius
•For 25 more points than a chaplain, you get +2 Toughness, Feel No Pain, and a master-crafted combi-flamer with hellfire rounds.
•If you stick in a unit of sternguard or vanguard veterans, you get an incredible unit in both shooting and assault.
•Don't forget that he has all the Chaplain stuff too.
•He doesn't have the greatest model, though.
Note: Sticking him in a Veteran squad works quite well with his fluff.

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